The secret to creating a sales page that converts

The secret to creating a sales page that converts

What's the difference between a sales page that converts and one that doesn't? There are many elements that go into a sales page and each has a direct effect on conversions, but there's one very important element that absolutely must be there: It has to address the customer's pain or challenges and offer a unique solution.

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3 Reasons Why You Should Love Unsubscribes

3 Reasons Why You Should Love Unsubscribes

It's okay and that's why you should love unsubscribes! 🤔

I used to be so scared to send out emails to my list, 😓

because I literally took it so personally and got upset seeing I have lost another list member due to them unsubscribing. 😭

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How to MULTIPLY one piece of content into MANY social media posts

How to MULTIPLY one piece of content into MANY social media posts

Let’s set the scene: You’ve spent an entire week crafting a highly-compelling blog post packed with mounds of research, oodles of original ideas and even a very relatable personal anecdote that you’re super excited to share.

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Copywriting 101: How to Get Your Customers to Take Action

Copywriting 101: How to Get Your Customers to Take Action

If you want people to buy, you gotta ask for the sale.

Truly, it is that simple. Yet I can’t tell you how many ads, Web sites, brochures, sales letters, etc. are floating around out there that aren’t asking.

So, what is a call to action? It’s telling people what action you want them to take. Typical calls to action include:

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Tips for writing content that will HOOK YOUR READERS

Tips for writing content that will HOOK YOUR READERS

You know how to write content, but do you know how to write content that hooks your reader?

One of the goals with every piece of content you create is to make sure people hang on to your every word. In other words, you want to make the content engaging so that people read clear through to the end. 

The tips in this blog post will show you how to create engaging content your readers will love! 

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Why Won't You Marry Me Already?

Why Won't You Marry Me Already?

The biggest failures I see marketers make is that they "propose on a first date"...

To succeed in your business, your main goal should be to build lifetime customers from your targeted market who trust you,

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