How to start and grow your email list the right way

How to start and grow your email list the right way

I've been getting alot of DMs asking how to start an email list the right way...

So, you created a freebie and started posting it everywhere hoping to build a big list,

you've been watching the number of your subscribers slowly going up and you're excited,

then few weeks or months later you sent them some emails asking them to buy your product or service because its the best thing since sliced bread and . . .

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Psychographics – Your Ideal Customer Profile Needs More Than Just Demographic Data Title

Psychographics – Your Ideal Customer Profile Needs More Than Just Demographic Data Title

If you're like most businesses, you're using demographics to market your product. And you may be successful with this a certain extent. But if you really want to increase sales and create customers for life, you need to go beyond demographics.

You need to understand the motivations, values, and concerns of your target market. Only then can you create marketing that truly connects with them on a deep level.

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Get Out of the Imposter Syndrome Trap: Practice Building Your Confidence

Get Out of the Imposter Syndrome Trap: Practice Building Your Confidence

All business owners and entrepreneurs have faced challenges, missteps, and the occasional bad decision during their careers. This is a natural part of business life.

Sometimes, these routine setbacks can shake our confidence and create self-doubt. This too, is not uncommon.

But if the sense of unworthiness, self-blame, and negative feelings persist, it’s likely you’ve experienced, or are currently experiencing, imposter syndrome.

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Get More Customers in Less Time: 5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Sales Right Now

Get More Customers in Less Time: 5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Sales Right Now

Every business sometimes needs a quick influx of cash. But I think the reason why I've been getting a lot of questions regarding sales is that the big once-a-year winter holiday is approaching. Woohoo! (Are you guys ready for Christmas?)

Although I just published a blog about the 15 Tips to Keep Your Sales Up This Holiday Season, I came up with a few more strategies you can employ right now to fill in the gaps and make sure you’re covered.

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15 Tips to Keep Your Sales Up This Holiday Season

15 Tips to Keep Your Sales Up This Holiday Season

It's that time of year again. The holidays are just around the corner, and everyone is starting to think about what they will buy for their loved ones. For businesses, it's essential to have a strong sales strategy in place to ensure that you take advantage of the increased spending that comes with the holiday season.

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Are you ready to think like a CEO?

Are you ready to think like a CEO?

None of us is born with an entrepreneurial playbook in our heads. We learn what to do as we go along. As businesses grow, the person at the top has to step out of the day-to-day and take responsibility for the bigger picture.

You may have started your business on your own, doing everything by yourself. But if you want your business to expand, that has to change.

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