You’re a go-getter with heart.

You know you want to make a big impact on people’s lives — whether it’s 100 people or 1,000,000. And you want to be able to fully support your family in the process.

Not just by making ends meet or keeping your head above water, but by earning the kind of income that brings to life the big visions you have.

People come to you for clarity, guidance, and support — especially when it comes to the one thing you’ve spent years mastering. And, best of all, you actually LOVE being there for people in that way.

You get a great amount of joy knowing that you’re able to make a difference in other people’s lives just by being yourself and doing something you’re good at. And you’re committed to turning this superpower of yours into a career.

The problem is trying to figure out this whole online marketing thing has proven to be anything BUT easy.

Being 100% honest, the fact that you’ve been struggling has gotten you down and makes you doubt whether it’s meant to be. After all, you see others who are a fraction of our age making it big online.

A 25 year-old helping people making a living trading stocks.

A 21-year old showing people how to build a successful dropshipping business.

An 19-year old teaching people how to make a killing on Etsy.

You even have elementary-age kids making megabucks for their families on Youtube!

Meanwhile, you put in all this time, work, energy, (and money) - yet don't generate anywhere near the kind of engagement, influence, or income you want.

It makes you question yourself sometimes.

“Maybe I’m too old or outdated to compete.”

“Maybe I’m not smart enough to make it.”

“Maybe I don’t have what it takes.”

The hard truth: You skills, knowledge, and talent aren't what you'll get you where you want to be. You have to have the right strategy - and the right support system - to make a breakthrough.

I was also there for all the good times.

When they realized all their time practicing the guitar had helped them develop a (literal) thicker skin so they could play more easily.

The joys of mastering a chord they’d been struggling with.

The times when they were finally able to play a song they love all the way through.

The moments when they finally felt like a true musician.

I genuinely LOVED helping people achieve their goals of learning to play instruments.

Honestly, if you can name it, there’s a chance I dabbled in it (or at least considered giving it a shot).

I made money and even had fun. But it was never as profitable or fulfilling as I would have liked.

In fact, I had those same doubts you may be having. I wondered why other people seemed to thrive doing things they genuinely enjoyed online while I was still stuck chasing true joy by going after every shiny object I saw.

I honestly felt like a failure. Especially when I kept comparing myself to others (hint: that never ends well!).

Ironically, it took a chance encounter with one of my former adult piano students for me to finally gain the clarity I needed to turn things around.

We ran into each other at a grocery store and started talking about what we had going on. I admitted to him that I’d quit teaching to work from home, but that it wasn’t working out how I’d envisioned. I told him a bit about all the things I’d tried out — and that was when he hit me with a big nugget of wisdom:

“Maybe instead of trying a bunch of random things online, why don’t you do what you’re good at? You should really look into online coaching. I mean you’re already a good listener and people already come to you for encouragement and motivation. We seek validation from you and share our success with you in our journey all the time!”

It all seems so obvious in retrospect. But, for some reason, I needed someone else to hit me over the head with it before it sank in. (Funny how that works, huh?)

The idea of coaching was a new concept to me at the time but I was excited to start my research. After learning much about the subject, I found it very fascinating and began to understand its potential.

Just like you, my joy has always been helping others.

My zone of genius is supporting people uncover hidden strengths they may not have known they had and develop the strategies they need to help them pursue their dreams and goals, as well as guiding them through murkiness and doubt so they have the clarity and empowerment they need to get what they want in life.

I needed to find something that allowed me to operate fully (and freely) in both. By coaching others achieve greatness, that's precisely my ideal calling!

Experiencing this jolt of clarity about my own business was a game-changer. Suddenly, my doubts and fears were replaced with a renewed sense of purpose.

With this new direction serving as my compass, I threw myself full-force into mastering the tools I’d need to build my vision from the ground-up.

I learned about digital marketing (and even became digital marketing certified), copywriting, sales funnels, social media marketing, email marketing, and more.

Initially, I played around with the idea of being a music coach. But, deep down, I knew that part of my life was in the past. (Because come on, a music coach that doesn't even play music anymore? That doesn't seem quite right.) As much as I still loved (and continue to love) music, I needed to do something that was more accommodating of my life as the mother of 3 young kids.

So, when a friend asked me to be her business coach, it felt like a natural fit!

I started a coaching business where I help clients map out things like their content and offer creation  — so they can reach (and make an impact on) the people they’re called to serve.

One client quickly turned into three.

I loved what I was doing and my clients loved me. (I was dang good at it, if I do say so myself).

The problem: I felt like something just wasn't quite meeting the expectations I had set for it.

I found myself in positions that didn't align with my vision, but I didn't know what it was cause something obviously was missing from the process…

So one afternoon as I sat at my desk thinking hard, I had a moment of clarity!

On top of being a good leader who motivates your clients and having vulnerable conversations with them to help them move forward, there's more to coaching than teaching knowledge and strategies.

It’s also about giving your clients a framework that actually works!

The solution: Integrating pre-recorded videos into my coaching program.

There are many great reasons why pre-recording instructional videos into your coaching program is the way to do it. You can CLICK HERE to learn the The 5 Reasons You Need to Create an Online Course. 

Long story short, pre-recorded videos are  so crucial to ensuring that your clients get the most out of your live sessions together. Without them, it would never have achieved its effectiveness. 

Having them go through your course materials ahead of time can troubleshoot any problems they might have and help them get the most out of the material when you both meet again in session. Up until this point, I've been focusing on creating online courses for my signature program.

I’d already discovered WHAT I want to do with my life. I want to coach others as they build heart-centered businesses that support their big visions. And I want to do it in a way that doesn’t require them to sacrifice other things they care about (like time with their loved ones).

Now I’d figured out the elusive HOW.

I finally had my “happy place” mission. 

I won’t pretend that I know everything. I believe learning and growth are both lifelong processes and am constantly trying to improve myself.

I’m also not gonna lie and say that this entrepreneurial path we’re on is easy or that I have some kind of magic bean that’ll grow your business overnight, beanstalk-style.

What I CAN promise you, though, is that I’ll do everything I can to help you reach your goals — without you having to make the same mistakes I have. As long as you’re willing to put in the work to make your dreams come true, I’ll be here to support you!

Ready to get the kind of clarity and support that can help you build a truly profitable and impactful coaching business you love — without the stress and loneliness that kills so many dreams? Let’s chat!

We’ll discuss your business vision, the roadblocks getting in your way, and an action plan — so you feel more empowered and focused moving forward.

If we feel mutual alignment, I’ll share options for how we can work together more closely. Either way, though, this will be a value-packed session!

Do you love getting to know what people are all about on social media? Let’s connect! You can find me on Instagram!

I’m so glad you found your way here and can’t wait to continue on this crazy/beautiful adventure together!

Chat soon,

Ms. Dori
