The Winning Content Marketing Guide EVERY Business Needs For Success
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Let’s set the scene: You’ve spent an entire week crafting a highly-compelling blog post packed with mounds of research, oodles of original ideas and even a very relatable personal anecdote that you’re super excited to share.
(Or maybe you just wrapped an epic podcast with a spectacular guest–or shared your own story with more bravado than you ever have. Or even just tucked away your ring light because you finally finished a YouTube video that your audience has been asking for for weeks, months or years.)
And then, you hit publish, have a quick celebratory glass of vino and–wait for it!–move onto creating your next piece of genius content.
Sound about right?
The truth is most business owners are stuck on a never-ending treadmill of near-constant content creation. They get a good idea, craft content around it, put it out there on one platform (or a few) and–poof!–forget about it before the week is over.
The bad news? Creating content that way is exhausting!
The good news? There is another, better way–and it actually involves a lot less content creation and a lot more content promotion.
Let’s be honest: If you’re here, you likely already know content repurposing is something you should be doing. Maybe you’ve dabbled in announcing your podcast on your IG, or sharing your beautifully-written blog posts to your Facebook business page.
But have you ever wondered exactly what you can do to ensure that even more people see, hear or experience your content? If so, you’re in just the right place.
Most business owners labor over creating new content and know they should do more with it–but they just have no clue what to do or how to get started.
I was one of them, and I was stuck before... I just couldn't put all the pieces together to figure out how I could maximize the potential of my blog posts. After many trials and errors, I finally figured out we're all supposed to slice and dice our long-form content to get the most exposure. Right now, let's get clear on what it means to repurpose content.
In our case, repurposing content simply means taking content you’ve already created and distributing it (or distributing pieces of it) on different platforms, in different mediums.
You can do this lots of ways. However, inside this workbook, there are two main ways we’re going to make it happen:
That said, while you can technically repurpose any piece of content, anywhere–each social media platform has its own intricacies, guidelines and best practices that you’ll need to take into account. For example, a blog post can easily be turned into Facebook posts, but it will take some reformatting (and creativity!) to turn that same blog post into an Instagram Story.
While it undeniably takes extra work to repurpose content, the truth is the work is worth it. Well worth it, in fact. Just take a peek at just a few of the incredible benefits of repurposing your content below.
Serve various audience’s content needs. We know people like to consume different types of content and has different learning styles. You might like to create legacy
Bottom line: If you’re going to take the time to create high-quality content, it just makes sense (and cents!) to squeeze the most out of every piece of content you create.
I hope this post has given you a better idea of how you can make the most of your long form content. If you have any questions about planning your content marketing strategy, please don't hesitate to comment or reach out. I'll be more than happy to help you.
Hello, My name is Ms. Dori, I'm the founder of Coachpreneur University.
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