However, the unfortunate truth is your potential customers aren’t going to spend that much time thinking about it.
People have too much going on in their lives to spend very much time and energy on your business. If they do read your ad or promotional material and it doesn’t contain a call to action, they’ll likely say, “Oh, that’s nice” and go on to the next thing.
And even if they were interested in purchasing your offerings, they may not know what their next step should be. Do they pick up the phone?
Go to a specific Web page? Visit a store? And if they don’t know what they should be doing, chances are they won’t do anything at all.
So you need to tell your potential customers what you want them to do. (Remember, people are busy, and if you don’t make doing business with you easy, they probably won’t do business with you at all.)
So, back to the above call to actions. Did you notice they all had something in common? The word “now” (or, in the case of the first one, “today”).
If people think they can buy from you anytime, they’ll say “oh, I can do this later.” And later rarely comes. You need to give them a reason to buy from you right now, while they’re interested.
Adding the “now” or some other urgency or scarcity technique (maybe a limited time offer or few copies left statement) is a great way to push people into doing what you want them to do right now and not later.