One of the greatest areas of difficulty for many people is making decisions. If you’re a manager, entrepreneur, or small business owner, it will often fall to you to make the major judgement calls.
If you experience imposter syndrome with perfectionism, you’ll continually search for a way to ‘get it right’ every time. This will put considerable pressure on you when it comes to making decisions.
For example, if you were repeatedly told “Be careful, you might make the wrong decision!”, you’ll end up fearing making any decision. You’ll freeze, feel powerless, and do nothing. This will lead to a lack of progress and settling for the safe and comfortable, because no matter what you do in the end, your internal dialogue will tell you that you’re making the wrong decision and that you’ll only get criticized for it.
If this is a familiar narrative going on in your head, it’s time to put another strategy into action.
This means shifting your mindset to accept that for each negative outcome, there’s a positive one that’s just as likely. It might take a while for this to sink in!
Once you know this shift is possible, it will change how you view decision making. You’ll choose a no-lose model rather than the no-win model. In other words, whatever decision you make, you know that the outcome will be positive. In this way, you’ll release the pressure on yourself, and you’ll learn valuable lessons in the process. You may even discover constructive results that you hadn’t even considered, which will lead you to even greater success.