No Measurable Results from Your Content Strategy? You Might Be Doing It Wrong

No Measurable Results from Your Content Strategy? You Might Be Doing It Wrong

You know, I've bumped into all sorts of marketers in my time online. Some are just getting their feet wet, testing the waters of the digital world. Others have been coaching for a while, serving up their expertise to others in their field. And then, there are the ones who are absolutely crushing it. Those superstars, they've all got a secret sauce...

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5 Effective Blogging Tactics No One Talks About

5 Effective Blogging Tactics No One Talks About

Feel like you're spinning your wheels with your blog content that doesn't seem to resonate or convert? You're definitely not alone. Everyone seems to focus on strategies to drive traffic to their blogs. Yet, there's little emphasis on how to craft blog content that doesn't just attract readers, but also engages and converts them, ultimately building your subscriber list. That's the less explored side of the story, and that's exactly what we're going to tackle today.

As a digital marketer and business coach, I've had my fair share of trials and triumphs in the blogging world. I can tell you from firsthand experience that success in blogging is not just about creating content, but creating the right kind of content. So, let's dive in and explore these effective blog writing tactics that no one is talking about.

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ChatGPT Success: Understanding limitations and Tips for harnessing Its Power

ChatGPT Success: Understanding limitations and Tips for harnessing Its Power

Over the past few months, a bunch of you have been asking me to chat about how to use ChatGPT effectively. Before getting into it, I wanted to make sure I really knew my stuff so I could share the most accurate and helpful insights with you all, my amazing audience.

Just so you know, I've actually used ChatGPT to help write this blog post! But of course, I've made a few tweaks here and there to make it just right.

ChatGPT is seriously powerful, and once you get the hang of it, it can help you say goodbye to that awful blank screen and create content with ease. It can even help you whip up various elements for your business that would usually be a pain to create from scratch.

But let's be real – ChatGPT has its limitations. It's not perfect and might sometimes give you wrong information. Plus, the content it comes up with could be harmful to your brand or, in some cases, just plain harmful.

So, in this blog post, I'm not only going to talk about ChatGPT's limitations, but I'll also share some super helpful tips and tricks to help you make the most of it. Ready to dive in? Let's go!

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3 Reasons Why Your Tribe Isn’t Buying From You

3 Reasons Why Your Tribe Isn’t Buying From You

It’s no secret that the two most common marketing methods coaches have been leveraging in recent years are building their own Facebook group and followers on social media.

As you hear business coaches say all the time,

“Get them in the group, you can sell to them later.”

“Get them to follow you so you can sell to them later.”

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Psychographics – Your Ideal Customer Profile Needs More Than Just Demographic Data Title

Psychographics – Your Ideal Customer Profile Needs More Than Just Demographic Data Title

If you're like most businesses, you're using demographics to market your product. And you may be successful with this a certain extent. But if you really want to increase sales and create customers for life, you need to go beyond demographics.

You need to understand the motivations, values, and concerns of your target market. Only then can you create marketing that truly connects with them on a deep level.

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How to MULTIPLY one piece of content into MANY social media posts

How to MULTIPLY one piece of content into MANY social media posts

Let’s set the scene: You’ve spent an entire week crafting a highly-compelling blog post packed with mounds of research, oodles of original ideas and even a very relatable personal anecdote that you’re super excited to share.

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