When Virality Takes an Unexpected Turn: Lessons from My Daughter's YouTube Journey

When Virality Takes an Unexpected Turn: Lessons from My Daughter's YouTube Journey

Have you ever dreamt of instant fame? Many do, and in the age of social media, "going viral" seems to be the shortcut to achieving it. 

However, knowing the real deal behind all this viral stuff, here's my perspective...

The Summer My Daughter Dived into the YouTube Pool

Over the summer,  my daughter decided to start her own YouTube journey. Fresh to the game and filled with excitement, she turned to me and asked, "Mama, How do I get subscribers? How can I pull in lots and lots of views?"

Well, having been around the digital marketing block a time or two, I gave her the old wisdom:

"Provide real value and stay consistent." Little did we know, the universe had a cheeky twist in store!

Of Farts and Fame

Just a few videos in, and BAM! One of her uploads took the YouTube world by storm. I mean, 20K views and counting! Who saw that coming? But here's the kicker: 

It was her comically candid "Wednesday fart video" that stole the show on YouTube! 

This unexpected turn of events prompted me to reevaluate: is going viral truly the fairy tale it's often portrayed as?" No thanks, I don't need a bunch of subscribers waiting for my next fart video.

If you're really interested in wanting to go viral, check out Forbes's 6 Qualities To Make Your Videos Go Viral. Worth a read!

Real Talk: Authenticity Over Virality

Look, I’ve been in this game for nearly a decade, and if there's one golden nugget I’ve uncovered, it's this: be genuine, be valuable.

While a viral hit can be a fun rollercoaster ride, it's the heart-to-heart, authentic stories of yours that forms bonds with an audience.

Because in that space, you're not just another voice—you're an experience. Remember, the world has never witnessed your journey quite like you have. 

It's in the stories, the authentic ones that only you can tell. That’s the real magic. No one else has lived your life or seen the world through your eyes.

A Few Pearls from Our YouTube Adventure

  1. Fly-by Fans vs. Loyal Listeners: Virality might bring in a crowd, but let me tell ya, lots of them might not be your target audience. How do I know? Cause I've been down that road before! You can read all about it HERE

    But Content that resonates? That's your ticket to a long-term audience.

  2. Real Beats Hyped: Authentic tales resonate deeper and longer than the fleeting fame of a viral video.

  3. Consistency is the Magic Sauce: A regular posting rhythm keeps folks coming back for more. They know you're there for them.

Wondering What's on the Horizon?

So, where to from here? Keep experimenting, remain true, and remember:

the most genuine stories shine the brightest. Hungry for more chit-chat on content, brand tales, and navigating the digital marketing maze? 

Join me on my Journey!

If you want to swap more tales, tips, and digital tidbits, join My Newsletter and let's embark on this digital growth journey together!

I'm all ears for your stories, insights, and everything in between. 

P.S. Got a curious mind and want a chuckle? If you're itching to see my daughter's infamous "fart video" that caused all this stir, let's get connected! I'll be more than happy to share the link with you. Enjoy! 😉
